Harassment Prevention Training & Resources Now Available with The Purple Method/EasyLlama Partnership

Guest Post By Samuel Devyver, Co-Founder and CEO of EasyLlama


I co-founded EasyLlama in 2019 to help companies become better, safer, and more inclusive places to work through custom workplace training courses. Over the past several years, we have developed mobile-friendly, easy-to-use online courses designed to replace outdated compliance training you’ll find elsewhere. And today, I could not be more excited to announce a new training powered by our new partners here at the Purple Method.

With the current economic climate, HR practitioners are burdened with many issues, from performance to scalability to technology, layoffs, and hiring — and now their budgets (or positions) are being slashed, so they have to do a lot more with a lot less while maintaining employee morale and a positive company culture. This makes our new Purple Method/EasyLlama training partnership even more valuable, giving employers the ability to continue to prioritize a strong company culture through a robust training program that is best-in-class and customizable to each company’s unique policies, culture, and workplace. The affordable and flexible tool demonstrates companies commitment to safety and inclusion, while creating an accessible on-ramp for employees to learn and engage. 

Our new EasyLlama course, powered by the Purple Method, ensures employees are fully educated on your specific workplace policies and procedures. Utilizing customized and branded call-out bubbles to invoke your organization’s unique mission, culture, and values, the training emphasizes the company’s commitment to maintaining an inclusive and harassment-free workplace! The best part: our course is 100% online, mobile-friendly and self-paced, allowing employees to fit training into their busy schedules with the ability to stop and start training across numerous devices. And while this new training is compliant federally and in all 50 states, the interactive quizzes and real-life video scenarios go above and beyond.

We know that a lack of comfort, safety, and inclusivity in the workplace can stifle creativity, prevent new ideas from being shared, and reduce engagement, even for those who have witnessed but not experienced harassment. As such, diverse organizations that prioritize inclusivity have been proven more effective, with Global Industry Analysts, Inc. identifying a cash flow increase of 2.5 times per employee and 35% more productivity from inclusive teams versus their counterparts. And, with 52% of employees reporting that they have been in a situation where they did not feel psychologically safe at work, harassment prevention training is more important than ever. Just another reason this new training partnership is worth celebrating!

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